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What is Report Writing | Format of Report Writing, How to report writing , Topics, Example of Report Writing

 Format of Report writing: Eager to know about report writing, Report writing format, Examples Report writing then don't worry because in these post I have given a brief introduction to report writing.

Format of Report Writing

What is Report Writing? 

Report writing - A report is a composed record of something that one has noticed, heard, done, or researched. It is an orderly and efficient introduction of realities and discoveries of an occasion that has effectively occurred some place. 

Reports are utilized as a type of worked evaluation to discover what you have gained from your perusing, exploration, or experience and to give you the experience of a significant ability that is generally utilized in the working environment.

Report Writing Format | English Writing Skills 

Report Writing Format - Generally, two kinds of reports are asked in the CBSE Class 12 English paper, in particular, paper report or a magazine report. A paper report is the one which is distributed in a paper and magazine report is by and large composed for a school magazine. 

Discussing the test, in the composing segment (Section-B of the test), it comes as a Very long answer type question (05 marks).

Generally, there is a choice (internal) between the following:-

1. Debate writing

2. Article writing

3. Speech writing

4. Report writing

The question for the report writing is supposed to be answered within the prescribed limit of 120-150 words.

Discussing marks, it comes as a 05 imprints question. The separation of imprints for a Report composing class 12 | English composing abilities - report composing (according to CBSE Marking plan for 2021-22) is as per the following:-

Report Writing Format                         01 mark

Content                                                    02 marks

Expression                                                02 marks

Total                                                         05 marks

An elegantly composed report should have the accompanying characteristics: 

  1. Adherence to the determinations of report brief; 
  2. Examination of important data; 
  3. Organizing material in an intelligent and sound request; 
  4. Introduction reliably as indicated by the directions of the report brief; 
  5. Making suitable ends that are upheld by the proof and investigation of the report 

Now, it is very important to follow a proper Report writing format. Not to forget that format carries marks.

Report Writing Class 12 | Report writing format for class 10 to 12

Magazine Report Format 

  1. Heading-An unmistakable title that is expressive of the substance of the report. 
  2. By line-Name of the individual composing the report. It is by and large given in the inquiry. Keep in mind, you shouldn't make reference to your own subtleties in your answer. 
  3. The initial passage (presentation) – It might incorporate the '5 Ws' to be specific, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE alongside WHO was welcomed as the central visitor. 
  4. The record of the occasion in detail-The legitimate arrangement of occasions that happened alongside their depiction. It is the primary passage and can be part into two short sections whenever required. 
  5. Determination- This will incorporate a portrayal of how the occasion finished. It might incorporate statement passages from the Chief Guest's discourse or how did the occasion wind up.

Newspaper Report format:

Heading- An elucidating title that is expressive of the substance of the report. 

By line-Name of the individual composing the report alongside the assignment. It is by and large given in the inquiry. Keep in mind, you shouldn't specify your own subtleties in your answer. 

Place and Date of Reporting- It is for the most part not referenced in a magazine report independently, however here, it is. 

Opening paragraph- It incorporates the extension of the feature. It should be short as it is an overall outline of the report. 

The Account of the event in detail-It is by and large written in two sections: First, complete record of what occurred in its ordered arrangement (ideally) and second, the observer comments. 

Concluding Paragraph- This will incorporate the move that has been made up until now or that will be taken. It is the last passage.

Report Writing Format | Magazine and Newspaper Report writing

Report Writing Format





By line

By line (along with the designation)

Opening paragraph

Date and place

Account of the event

Opening paragraph


Account of the event and witness remarks



Report Writing Format Class 12 > Tips for Report Writing Class 12

Tips to attempt a question on report writing

Here are a few valuable tips for you to attempt the class 12 English writing skills - report writing question in a better way-

  1. Make sure you use language which is suitable for the audience you are addressing. The usage of complex vocabulary for addressing children is not advisable.
  2. Make sure you write in paragraphs.
  3. Practice previous year question papers.
  4. Read as many samples as you can. It will give you an idea as to how they are actually written.
  5. Read the question at least twice and highlight the important information. It is very important to understand the question and read between the lines. Albert Einstein once said,

           "If you can't explain it simply, you didn't understand it well enough.

Plan before you pen. Simply make a rundown of all your significant focuses on the harsh sheet (last sheet of your answer booklet) with the goal that you remember pertinent focuses while composing. This additionally helps you in keeping an arrangement, which is vital. 

The introduction is vital. 

Ensure you twofold check for syntactic precision and spellings. They convey marks. 

Leave a satisfactory number of lines between passages to make it look clean. 

Underlining the primary concerns is vital. Yet, it is encouraged to do it in the wake of completing your test. Utilize a pencil and scale for underlining. 

Make little sentences. It limits the extent of syntactic mistakes.

Report writing Format Sample | Report Writing Topic
Report Writing in English > Solved Question

Below are a few solved questions for you so that you get an idea as to how to attempt Report Writing class 12 - Report writing questions well.

Remember, the more you read and practice, the better it is. As per, CBSE guidelines, it should not exceed the prescribed word limit of 120-150 words.

Independence Day was celebrated in your school. St. Joseph, Ms. Rashmi Bala Sharma was the Chief Guest. Write a report on the function in 150-200 words describing all the activities that took place. You are Head boy/Head girl.


St. Joseph School celebrated Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. On the morning of August 14, 2020, our students presented hand-made greeting cards and tricolor flag badges to the senior management functionaries of the school.

The cultural program at school commenced with everyone singing ‘Vande Mataram’ followed by flag hoisting by the chief guest, Ms. Rashmi Bala Sharma, the District Magistrate.

The spirit of freedom and nationalism was well exhibited by the students as well as the teachers through a spectrum of patriotic poems, speeches, quizzes on freedom fighter, songs, and dance.

Committed to the task of nation-building, both faculty and student teachers pledged to serve their motherland through spreading education and serving the community. A presentation on the historical evolution of the national flag of India was shown.

A documentary on the contribution of unsung heroes of Indian freedom struggle like Tirupur Kumaran, Kamla Devi Chattopadhayay, and Khudiram Bose enlightened the audience.

A few of them spoke on the history and significance of the Independence Day and shed light on the special highlight of celebrations this year

It ended with a speech by the principal on the topic, “What does freedom mean to me?” The celebration concluded with the inspiring words of the principal madam, followed by the National Anthem and the distribution of refreshments.

Points Covered:

  • Report writing format
  • Format of report writing
  • Report writing
  • How to report writing example
  • Example for report writing
  • Examples report writing
  • Report writing example
  • Report writing examples
  • Example report writing
  • Example on report writing

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